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Kristien Zenkov is a professor of teacher education and literacy education, the Division Director of Elementary, Literacy, and Secondary Education, and the Program Coordinator of Secondary Education (SEED) at George Mason University. He is the co-director of the "Through Students Eyes" project, which asks diverse high school and middle school youth to document with photographs and writing what they believe are the purposes of school.
Dr. Zenkov received his Ph.D. in Teacher Education from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and was a faculty member at Cleveland State University before coming to George Mason. He has published more than one hundred fifty articles and book chapters and eight books concerning urban teacher education, social justice education, Professional Development Schools, language arts pedagogy, and curriculum standards.
He continues his professional development schools efforts at George Mason through partnerships with Alexandria, Fairfax County, Prince William County, Loudoun County, and Manassas schools. Dr. Zenkov and his colleagues have been awarded grants (totaling nearly $2 million) from private foundations and the US Department of Education in support of the "Through Students Eyes" (TSE) project and numerous other urban teacher education, conflict resolution, and teacher mentoring studies and programs. He has conducted TSE with youth in Sierra Leone, Haiti, and Iraq. He has taught language arts and drama in city high schools across the country. Dr. Zenkov is the former editor of School-University Partnerships and the current Treasurer of the National Association for Professional Development Schools.

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Kristien Zenkov, PhD
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Kristien Zenkov, PhD

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recent publications


highlighted work

Dr. Kristien Zenkov's Keynote Address
Ohio Deans Compact Annual Conference

January 2021

Recent Peer-Reviewed Articles

Note: Publications with * denote manuscripts co-authored with teachers and masters/doctoral students

*Zenkov, K., Taousakis, M., Ewaida, M., Staudt, E., & Gorannson, J. (2023). Positioned as pedagogues,

          required to explore their teacher personas: Impacts of clinical experience models on teacher             

          candidates’ practices and identities. School-University Partnerships, 16(1), 71-     


Nagro, S. A., Macedonia, A., Raines, A. R., Day, J., Parker, A. K., Parsons, S., Coogel, C. G., & Zenkov, K.

          (2023). A systematic review of teacher factors for successfully educating students with disabilities.

          The New Educator, 19(2), 77-102.

Polly, D., Badiali, B., Burns, R. W., Coler, C., Cosenza, M., Goree, K., Stoicovy, D., Zenkov, K. (2023). A

          refresh of the Essentials of Professional Development Schools: The Second Edition of the NAPDS

          Nine Essentials. Connections: Journal of the California Association of School-University

          Partnerships, 12(1), 6.

Zenkov, K., & Pytash, K. (2022). Critical, project-based clinical experiences as sustainable "third space"                  reforms. Teacher Education Quarterly9(2).  pp. 58-85.


Helmsing, M., Parker, A. K., Glaser, H., Zenkov, K., & Porter, A. (2022). Coaching cubed: Mentor                         teachers’ perspectives on the exponential nature of supporting teacher candidates during uncertain               times. Special Themed Issue: School University Partnerships, 15(1).

*Zenkov, K. & Pytash, K. (2022). A solution to teacher educators’ existential crisis? Critical,
          project-based clinical experiences. Teacher Education Quarterly.

Glaser, H., Helmsing, M., Zenkov, K., & Parker, A. (2021). Adding the “T” to the “PCK” in clinical                              experiences: How technology shaped our pandemic teacher education pedagogies and                                    partnerships. The New Educator, 17(4), 353-374. (NOTE: Awarded The New Educator Taylor and              Francis Outstanding Article Award). 

*Parker, A.K., Zenkov, K., & Glaser, H. (2021). Preparing school-based teacher educators: Mentor                        teachers’ perceptions of mentoring and mentor training. Manuscript submitted for publication in the            Peabody Journal of Education (Special Issue on Clinical Practice and Innovative Clinical Work in                    Teacher Education) (Edited by D. Polly, R.W. Burns, E. Garin, B. Badiali).                                                   

Zenkov, K., Lague, M., & Azevedo, P.C. (2020). SEED “Seeds,” “Stories of Injustice,” and the equity                    ideals of our partnerships: A program in formation and pre-/in-service teachers as bridges to equity.            School-University Partnerships (Special Issue edited by Drew Polly, UNC Charlotte/Christie                        Martin, University of South Carolina at Columbia).

Zenkov, K., Dennis, D., & Parker, A.K. (Fall, 2019). “Bless your heart,” BBQ, and clinical practitioners as              neologists: Developing a lexicon for clinical practice. School-University Partnerships.


Parker, A. K., Zenkov, K., & Dennis, D.V. (2019). Exploring the lexicon or lack thereof in clinical teacher                preparation. Action in Teacher Education, 41(3), 249-264.                                                   

          DOI: 10.1080/01626620.2019.1600601


Recent Invited and Editorial-Reviewed Articles

Note: Publications with * denote manuscripts co-authored with teachers and masters/doctoral students

Zenkov, K., Rogers, R., Parker, A., & Rogers, D. (September 2024). The Inquiry Initiative and “opportunity

          gaps”: Collaborative research structure and challenging inequities in teacher education. Introductory

          article in special issue on “opportunity gaps” in teacher education. The New Educator, 20(3).

Glaser, H., Porter, A., Lague, M., Zenkov, K., & Helmsing, M. (2023). Editors’ Welcome. The Teacher

          Educators’ Journal, 16(2).

Glaser, H., Porter, A., Lague, M., Zenkov, K., & Helmsing, M. (2023). Editors’ Welcome. The Teacher

          Educators’ Journal, 16(1).

Burns, R. W., Badiali, B., Coler, C., Cosenza, M., Goree, K., Polly, D., Stoicovy, D., Zenkov, K. (2022).

          Essential 2: “Clinical Practice” is what Professional Development Schools do. PDS Partners: Bridging

          Research to Practice, 17(1), 38-41.

          (Note: After first author, remaining authors are listed alphabetically.)

Polly, D., Badiali, B., Burns, R. W., Coler, C., Cosenza, M., Goree, K., Polly, D., Stoicovy, D., Zenkov, K.

          (2022). Essential 3: Professional learning in the context of PDS and School-University partnerships.

          PDS Partners: Bridging Research to Practice, 17(3), 39-42.

          (Note: After first author, remaining authors are listed alphabetically.)


Stoicovy, D., Badiali, B., Burns, R. W., Coler, C., Cosenza, M., Goree, K., Polly, D., & Zenkov, K. (2022).

          Essential 4: A shared commitment to reflection, innovation and generative knowledge. PDS

          Partners: Bridging Research to Practice, 17(1), 41-42.

          (Note: After first author, remaining authors are listed alphabetically.)


Coler, C. Goree, K., Stoicovy, D., Polly, D, Badiali, B., Burns, R. W., Cosenza, M., & Zenkov, K. (2022).                  The value of school-university partnerships and Professional Development Schools. The Delta                        Kappa Gamma Bulletin: International Journal for Professional Educators, 88(3), 6-14.


Helmsing, M., Glaser, H., Zenkov, K., & Lague, M. (2022). From frustration to innovation: Considering                 new practices and approaches for teacher education as post-pandemic pedagogy. The Teacher                       Educators’ Journal, 15(1), iv-xii.

Zenkov, K., Badiali, B., Burns, R. W., Coler, C., Cosenza, M., Goree, K., Polly, D., Stoicovy, D., Bertrand,               S., Haddad, K., Crane, N., & Lague, M. (2021). The “Revised Nine Essentials” article series Essential             1: Justice is our “Comprehensive Mission.” PDS Partners: Bridging Research to Practice. 16(4), 21-             24.

American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education. (2018). A pivot toward clinical practice, its                     lexicon, and the renewal of educator preparation: A report of the AACTE Clinical Practice                             Commission. Washington D.C.: Authors.

Pytash, K., & Zenkov, K. (2018). Introduction to the guest-edited issue: Critical, project-based clinical                 experiences in literacy contextsThe New Educator, 14(3), 185-191.

Invited articles
Book chapters

Recent Book Chapters

Note: Publications with * denote manuscripts co-authored with teachers and masters/doctoral students

Zenkov, K., Rudder, L., & Polly, D. (in press). An introduction to this collection and consideration of   

          boundary-spanning work in school-university partnerships. In K. Zenkov, D. Polly, & L. Rudder

          (Eds.), Boundary-Spanning in School-University Partnerships. Information Age Publishing.

*Zenkov, K., Fox, M., Ewaida, M., & Haddad, K. (in press). The metaphors we partner by: Lexical slights of

          hand and the limiting language of school-university partnerships. In J. Dresden, J. Ferrara, J.

          Neapolitan, & D. Yendol-Hoppey (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of School-University


Zenkov, K., Pytash, K., & Lague, M. (2024). "Boundary-Spanners" in literacy education: Roles, activities,

          supports, constraints, and futures. In J.R. Feinberg  & S.L Ogletree (Eds.), Advancing school-

          university partnerships and professional development schools through national research: Revitalized

          perspectives for social justice, equity, growth and inclusivity. Routledge. 

*Gorannson, J., Zenkov, K., & Taousakis, M. (2023). Windows, mirrors, and sliding glass doors: Co-

          teaching and co-supervision internship models for teacher educator learning. In B. Butler, A.

          Cuenca, & J. Ritter (Eds.), How teacher educators learn: Profiles in teacher educator professional


Zenkov, K. & Parker, A. K. (2023). Notions of partnership and projectbased clinical

          experiences: An ATE Teacher Educator Standard 5 Case. In R. Burns & J. Jacobs (Eds.), The

          complex work of teacher educators: Cases that illustrate teacher educator standards in action.

Zenkov, K., Lague, M., Haddad, K., Gervacio, A., Sabah, M., & Kolapalli, A. (2022). “Storying” injustice                   with future English teachers: Narrating our way to the equity foundations of our writing pedagogies.             In T. Hodges (Ed.), Handbook of equity-focused writing instruction. pp. 224-247. IGI Global.


Zenkov, K. (2022). Teachers, teaching, teacher educators, teaching education: A case for class-based and            classroom-based transitions. In N. Vines & A. Broemmel (Eds.), Teacher reflections on transitioning            from K-12 to higher education classrooms, pp. 381-391. IGI Global.

*Zenkov, K., Parker, A.K., Glaser, H., & Vardas-Doane, A. (2020). Valuing the expertise of school-based             teacher educators in school-university partnerships: Creating a sustainable model of mentor                           teacher preparation. In P.E. Bernhardt, T. Conway & G. Richardson (Eds.), Effective Clinical                         Practice: Preparing Mentor Teachers and University-Based Educators to Support Teacher                              Candidate Learning and Development.

*Johnson, R.D., Parsons, S.A., Parker, A.K., Zenkov, K., Dennis, D., del Prado Hill, P., Garas-York, K.,                     Loving, K., & Slattery, C. (2020). The case for PDS as an exemplary model of school-university                   partnerships. Proposal accepted for inclusion in P. Chandler & L. Barron (Eds.), Rethinking School-            University Partnerships: A New Way Forward.

*Zenkov, K., Lague, M., & Azevedo, P.C. (2020). SEED “Seeds,” “Stories of Injustice,” and the ideals of                  our profession: A program in formation and pre-service teachers as bridges to equity. In E. Garin &               R.W. Burns (Eds.), The NAPDS Nine Essentials in Action: Cases of Professional Development                    Schools (pp. 249-255).

*Zenkov, K., Taylor, L., Pytash, K., Lague, M., & Ayers, A. (2020). Critical, project-based clinical                              experiences: Formalizing the roles of university- and school-based teacher educators. In E. Garin &              R.W. Burns (Eds.) The NAPDS Nine Essentials in Action: Cases of Professional Development                      Schools  (pp. 198-202).

Zenkov, K. & Pytash, K. (2018). Critical, project-based clinical experiences: Their origins and their                            elements. In K. Zenkov & K. Pytash (Eds.), Clinical experiences in teacher education: Critical,                         project-based experiences in diverse classrooms (pp. 1-17). Routledge.

Zenkov, K., Parsons, S., Parker, A.K., Brown, E.L., Groth, L., Pytash, K., & Pellegrino, A. (2018). From                      collaborative inquiry to critical, project-based clinical experiences: Partnership pathways to field-                   based teacher education. In T. Hodges & A. Baum (Eds.), Handbook of field-based teacher                             education. IGI.

Parker, A.K., Zenkov, K., & Parsons, S. (2018). Purposeful preparation for roles in boundary-spanning                       clinical teacher preparation. In D. Hoppey, D. Yendol-Hoppey, & N. Dana (Eds.), Preparing the                   next generation of teacher educators. IAP.



Note: Publications with * denote manuscripts co-authored with teachers and masters/doctoral students

Call-Cummings, M., Zenkov, K., & Keller, J. (in press). Talking equity in polarized times: Stories and

          strategies from teachers, for teachers. Routledge.


Polly, D., Zenkov, K., & Rudder, L. (in press). Boundary-spanning in school-university partnerships.

          Information Age.

Cushman, K., Zenkov, K., & Call-Cummings, M. (2021). New fires in our lives: Advice for teachers                        from high school students. New Press.

Zenkov, K., & Pytash, K. (2018). Critical, project-based experiences in teacher preparation: Classroom                      interventions, teacher training and development, boundary-spanning roles, and collaborative                          scholarship. Routledge.

*Zenkov, K., & Harmon, J. (2016). Through students’ eyes: Writing and photography for success in school               Rowman & Littlefield.

Richards, J.C., & Zenkov, K. (Eds.) (2015). Social justice, the Common Core, and closing the instructional                  gap: Empowering diverse learners and their teachers. Information Age.

Gorski, P. & Zenkov, K. (Eds.) (2014). The big lies of education reform. Routledge.


Zenkov, K., Corrigan, D. & Beebe, R. (Eds.). (2013). Professional development schools and social                                  justice: Schools and universities partnering to make a difference. Lexington Books.

Gorski, P., Zenkov, K., Osei-Kofi, N., & Sapp, J. (Eds.). (2012). Cultivating social justice teachers: How                      teacher educators have helped students overcome cognitive bottlenecks and learn critical social                    justice concepts. Stylus.

Navarro, V. & Marquez-Zenkov, K. (Eds.) (2005). Staying connected: Re-framing the contours of                              partnership work in education with PDS standards. Urban Network to Improve                                                  Teacher Education.

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